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IVF in Florida

Should you pursue IVF in Florida? 

For many couples, the realization that they are facing infertility can be devastating.

If you were planning to start building your family and realized that you would be unable to do so as easily as you’d hoped, you’re probably feeling a lot of different emotions.

Families facing infertility may feel stressed, anxious or even depressed.

Because of this, it’s very important that you spend some time grieving before you make the decision as to whether you will pursue adoption or IVF in Florida.

No two couples are completely alike, which means that the methods you use for building your family may be different than those of your friends and family members. That’s okay! You have a lot of options, and in this article, we’ll cover two of the most popular: adoption vs. IVF in Florida.

Keep reading to learn more about IVF vs. adoption in Florida, or call 1-800-ADOPTION now to speak with an adoption specialist about how you can start the adoption process.

What is IVF in Florida?

If you’re facing infertility, you might be considering pursuing IVF in Florida.

This is an option that many couples face and choose as their family-building method.

With IVF, the goal is that you will become pregnant and carry a child to term.

For some families, IVF can be the perfect choice. If successful, this can enable you to achieve your dream of becoming pregnant; however, it’s important to remember that there are some drawbacks.

For one, IVF in Florida can be very expensive.

Fertility treatments are not typically covered by health insurance, which means you’ll need to pay out of pocket for each treatment.

Additionally, you may require several treatments before you’re able to achieve a viable pregnancy.

In some cases, IVF may be unsuccessful, which can be emotionally devastating for many couples.

It’s also important to keep in mind that if you’re going to pursue fertility treatments, you’ll typically need to take hormones and other medications. This can be very physically demanding and difficult to deal with.

For some couples, IVF in Florida is a perfect choice. For others, adoption is the better option.

Is Adoption Right For Me?

After considering the IVF process in Florida, you might be ready to consider alternative options, including adoption.

If you’ve never adopted a child, you might be curious about how the process works.

Your first step should always be to connect with an adoption agency that can guide you on your journey. Here at American Adoptions, for example, we help support you from start to finish.

Our team can help you through all of the adoption steps, including:

  • Completing your APQ
  • Preparing for your home study
  • Completing your home study
  • Creating your waiting family profile
  • Matching with a birth mother
  • Placement and finalization
  • Post-placement support

When you choose to adopt instead of pursuing the IVF process in Florida, you’re offering a child the chance to grow up in a loving family with parents who are ready for all aspects of parenting. As part of the adoption process, your adoption agency will ensure that you’re physically, emotionally and financially ready to care for a child, which means that you’ll be able to offer them the best chance at a great life.

How Long Does Adoption Take?

When you choose to work with American Adoptions, your wait time is an average of 12 months. Our team has helped create more than 13,000 families, and we want to help you create yours.

Here at American Adoptions, we know that you’ve already been through a lot. Facing infertility and the IVF process in Florida isn’t easy. Chances are that you want to meet your baby as soon as possible, and we’d love to help.

Starting the Adoption Process

When you’re ready to start the adoption process, call 1-800-ADOPTION to speak with an adoption specialist who can help you get started.

Our team will help you complete an APQ, so we know exactly what you’re hoping to experience with your adoption. Your APQ allows you to plan your adoption budget, as well as share your hopes and dreams with your adoption specialist. If you’re hoping to adopt twins, for example, you can share that during this time.

Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your future baby’s medical needs and what you’re comfortable with as far as family history goes.

Your adoption specialist will also help explain the steps of adoption to you. Your adoption professional will act as a guide who will assist you with:

  • Preparing for your home study
  • Completing your home study
  • Creating your waiting family profile
  • Matching with your baby’s birth mother
  • Communicating with your baby’s birth mother
  • Placement
  • Finalization
  • And more

If you’re ready to get started, reach out now so we can help you begin your adoption journey.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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