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Domestic Infant Adoption Agencies in Florida

When you’re ready to welcome a new baby to your family through adoption, your first step is to find newborn adoption agencies in Florida.

The right baby adoption agency in Florida will make an incredible difference in your adoption experience by guiding you through your journey.

Adoption is an exciting and loving journey, but it can also be challenging. Having a great support system in place is essential for any hopeful adoptive parents.

Your adoption professional can help: 

  • Explain the types of adoption
  • Guide you through the adoption process
  • Provide you with resources to support you on your adoption journey

You can call American Adoptions anytime by dialing 1-800-ADOPTION or keep reading to learn more about how you can find the right baby adoption agency in Florida.

What Are Adoption Agencies for Babies in Florida?

As you prepare to welcome a child to your family through adoption, you might find that the process of adoption can be in-depth and complicated.

That’s where your adoption team will come in.

The right baby adoption agency in Florida will help you from start to finish. It’s their job to make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities throughout the adoption process and to ensure that your adoption experience goes smoothly.

They’ll guide you through:

  • Completing an APQ – This ensures that everyone knows what you’re looking for in a prospective birth mother and in a baby. Your APQ allows you to share your preferences and hopes for your adoption.
  • Your home study – This is one of the most important yet intimidating parts of your adoption experience. Your adoption support team can help you prepare for this part of your adoption journey.
  • Matching with a prospective birth mother – Matching is one of the most exciting parts of your journey. You might experience a lot of different emotions, and your adoption professional can help you through them.
  • Placement – When you finally get to hold your baby in your arms, your adoption professional will be ready to offer you support and encouragement.
  • Post-placement and finalization – Your adoption journey doesn’t end at placement. That’s why your adoption professional will help you even after you bring your baby home.

They’ll also provide you with information about the types of adoption, as well as answer any questions you have about the wait time or adoption process.

What Do Infant Adoption Agencies in Florida Do?

There are different types of adoption, including foster to adopt, international adoption and private domestic adoption.

When you choose to work with a baby adoption agency in Florida, that agency only works domestically with infants and children up to age two.

There are many reasons that domestic infant adoption agencies in Florida don’t work with children above the age of two.

One of the biggest reasons is that children tend to bond quickly with their parents. When a child is adopted as a baby or small toddler, they’re more likely to bond with their adoptive family. If a child lives with their birth parents for several years before being placed for adoption, the separation can be traumatic.

When you work with domestic infant adoption agencies in Florida, such as American Adoptions, you’ll find that our team takes steps to ensure that the adoption process goes as smoothly as possible. This is why we offer counseling and support services for each member of the adoption triad.

Private Domestic Infant Adoption: Is it Right for Me?

When you’re preparing to adopt a child, you might be wondering what type of adoption will work best for you. If you’re wondering what to expect when working with domestic infant adoption agencies in Florida, you can plan on receiving:

  • Guidance throughout each of the steps of adoption
  • Support and understanding
  • Assistance completing your APQ
  • Help understanding how the home study process works
  • Guidance completing the legal adoption paperwork

Adoptive Family Testimonials

One of the best ways to decide whether adoption is right for you is to hear from parents who have gone through the experience themselves.

Each adoption is different. No two adoptive families are alike, which means each family chooses adoption for a different reason. Their experiences are also different, too. Some families match with a birth mother right away, while others may have a bit of a wait. One thing all adoptive families share, though, is the love they have for their new baby.

An adoptive couple, Andrea and Robert, explain how much they enjoyed connecting with their child’s birth mother during their open adoption.

“It’s so often in this process that you don’t know what to expect, but even that was very natural. It was like visiting a friend and bringing our daughter over to meet a friend,” Andrea said. “The birth mother was very brave, and we were both very appreciative of the opportunity.”

You can read more adoptive family stories right here on the American Adoptions website.

Starting Your Adoption Journey

If you’re ready to start your adoption journey, you’ll want to choose an adoption team who can help you every step of the way.

Here at American Adoptions, we want to be that professional for you.

Our team has helped create more than 13,000 families over the last 30 years. Our team consists of adoptive families, birth mothers and adoptees who know exactly what you’re going through. Additionally, we can offer you an expected wait time of an  average of 12 months to match with a prospective birth mother.

When you’re ready to get started, you can reach our team by filling out our convenient online form. We’ll get back to you promptly. You can also call us 24/7 by dialing 1-800-ADOPTION.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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