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Learning How to Start the Adoption Process in Florida

If you’re considering adoption as a way of building the perfect family, you’ve probably already started looking into the process. You may already know that the adoption process in Florida is a life-altering moment for all involved parties: the birth parents, the adoptive parents, and the adoptees. 

If you’re just starting your journey toward adoption in Florida, you may still be looking for answers to important questions. After all, many prospective parents find the process of adoption in FL overwhelming at first. Thankfully, our team of professionals at American Adoptions is here to help you make sense of it all.

Below you’ll find a complete guide to the adoption process in Florida. It’s meant to provide you with needed information as you’re starting the adoption process in FL. You can even learn how to start the adoption process in Florida through American Adoptions by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or filling out our free online contact form when you’re ready. For now, read on to get details about the adoption process in FL.

Answering the Question, “How Does the Adoption Process Work in FL?”

Every adoption is unique, but most share some common legal, emotional and social factors that apply to every case. Don’t worry, though. When you partner with American Adoptions for your adoption in Florida, you’ll find peace in relying on your adoption professional to guide you through the adoption process in Florida from start to finish.

For more than 25 years, we at American Adoptions have supported birth parents and adoptive families throughout the adoption process in FL. In that time, we’re proud to say we’ve helped build over 13,000 families, and that includes a 96% success rate for families who stay active with our agency. That’s why our agency is one of the largest, most respected national domestic infant adoption agencies around.

Partnering with American Adoptions gives you the confidence of knowing you’ll be guided by licensed adoption specialists with the best interest of all involved parties in mind. Many of our specialists are adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents themselves, so they’re personally connected to the adoption process in FL. This lets them relate to your experiences on a professional and emotional level, and they know how to help you get through the process.

If you want the best possible adoption experience, look no further than American Adoptions. Our knowledge, compassion, and expertise are unmatched in the industry. If you’re asking, “How do I begin the adoption process in Florida with American Adoptions?” please know all you need to do is call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form to get started today.

For the moment, let’s learn a little more about the adoption process step by step in FL.

Step 1: Weighing Whether or Not Adoption Is Right for You

The process of adoption in FL isn’t always smooth and easy, but it’s worth it in the end. Adoption offers a path to creating the family you’ve dreamed about by investing your time, your finances and emotions into your journey. Before starting the adoption process in Florida, you should contemplate how it will change your life.

If you partner with American Adoptions, your specialist will be there to help you consider why you wish to adopt and hone your commitment to becoming the best parent possible. If you decide that you’d like to begin the adoption process in FL, what you’ll really be doing is dedicating yourself to providing for a child’s every need.

Step 2: Picking an Adoption Type

American Adoptions is a national adoption agency focused on creating domestic adoption opportunities involving infants from across the country. But that’s not the only way to grow your family, as there are other ways to adopt Florida kids if you so choose:

  • Domestic Infant Adoption: Private domestic infant adoption occurs when a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy voluntarily chooses to place her baby in an adoptive home. The adoptive parents often meet their baby at the hospital and take them home, and in open adoptions, contact between all parties is ongoing following placement.
  • International Adoption: International adoptions can involve adoptees of all ages, with the defining feature being that the children come from nations other than the U.S. The requirements to adopt and the adoption process is far more complicated than in other types of adoption, so you must work with a Hague-accredited international adoption agency when navigating the adoption process in Florida.
  • Foster Care Adoption: The goal of the foster system is to keep biological families intact. However, when that’s not possible, children may become eligible for foster care adoption. About 25 percent of kids removed from their homes end up being eligible for adoption from foster care. Though foster care adoption can lead to uncertainty where timelines are concerned, it can be a rewarding way to build a family.

If you’re just beginning the adoption process in FL and don’t know which type is right for you, you should know American Adoptions is here to help. Factors like costs, processes, requirements, and steps may differ among the types of adoption, but we can help you sort it out. Just complete our online form to get free information today, or call 1-800-ADOPTION to connect with a professional immediately.

Step 3: Choosing the Perfect Adoption Professional

Your adoption professional will play a tremendous role in your satisfaction with the process of adoption in FL. Your adoption professional will shape your experience in a profound way. When choosing an adoption professional, don’t let cost be the sole determining factor because services and expertise differ widely.

Completing the adoption process in FL is possible without a professional if you want to try independent adoption. However, that path can place you at increased risk of fraud and financial loss. Choosing independent adoption also means you won’t have access to the support and services offered by licensed adoption professionals, which can drive costs higher and extend wait times.

On the contrary, partnering with American Adoptions as your adoption agency means you’ll be paired with a dedicated professional who will be there throughout the process. You’ll never have to look hard for answers to your questions about the process for adoption in FL.

American Adoptions is fully licensed in Florida for child placement, and we can even perform your home study. We offer all the services required for the completion of a successful adoption under one roof. We provide the resources of a national agency and the individualized attention you’d expect from a local organization. We also have local professionals who can give you the additional support that most national agencies just can’t offer.

The list of services you’ll get from American Adoptions includes:

Our national reach means you’ll have an increased chance of finding your “perfect match” when you work with American Adoptions. Our national scope also gives birth mothers better odds of finding an adoptive family that corresponds to the preferences expressed in their adoption plan.

To learn more about our top-notch services and how you can benefit from them during the adoption process in FL, simply complete our online form or call 1-800-ADOPTION.

Step 4: Meeting the Requirements of the Adoption Process in FL

If you’re wondering, “What is the adoption process in Florida?” you probably want to know what requirements you must meet to become an adoptive parent. Fortunately, American Adoptions can help you get the answers. 

Near the beginning of the process, you’ll complete our Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) to record your adoption preferences and help your adoption specialist make a compelling prospective adoptive family profile. That profile will be used by expectant mothers who are searching for families like yours that match their adoption wishes.

Your APQ responses are critical to the success of the adoption process in FL, but there are other steps you’ll need to complete as well, such as:

Step 5: Seeking (and Finding) Your Perfect Adoption Opportunity

Your next step in the process for adoption in FL is joining other active adoptive families through American Adoptions. Your adoptive profile will be shared with expectant birth mothers across the country, so your perfect adoption opportunity could come at any time.

Working on over 13,000 adoptions has taught us that most expectant birth mothers are most concerned with identifying the right adoptive family for their child. This portion of the adoption process in FL can be both exhilarating and stressful for some expectant moms. If you want to learn more about families looking to adopt, review adoptive family profiles here.

How long does the adoption process take in Florida in most cases? The average wait time with American Adoptions is AN average of 12 months. You can impact that timeline through your APQ. Your flexibility regarding the variety of adoption opportunities you’d accept can influence the length of the adoption process in FL.

When you’re paired with an expectant mother, you’ll get to know her through pre-placement communication over a variety of forms of communication. The expectant birth mother will also communicate her preferences for the birth of her child through her hospital plan. Following delivery, the birth mother can sign adoption paperwork, and the placement of the baby can move forward.

Step 6: Completing Your Florida Adoption at the Finalization Hearing

Adoption finalization closes the adoption process in Florida, and it’s the culmination of everything prospective parents have been working towards. If you’re pursuing adoption over state lines, you’ll need to observe travel guidelines established by the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). You may also be required to stay in your baby’s birth state until your adoption attorney lets you know you’re approved to return home with your child.

After you return home, you’ll have one or more post-placement in-home visits prior to finalization. These visits assess the child’s adjustment to your home environment. The finalization hearing is usually held around six months after placement.  During the hearing, your case is reviewed, and a judge legally finalizes the adoption. You get full parental rights for your child, making this portion of the adoption process in FL a joyous celebration.

Parting Words on the Adoption Process in Florida

The process for adoption in Florida represents a long and winding road for many hopeful couples. But by following these steps, you can accomplish your adoption goals as quickly as possible. We at American Adoptions are committed to helping you enjoy a smooth, speedy adoption process in compliance with Florida adoption requirements.

To speak with an adoption specialist today, you can complete our online form or call 1-800-ADOPTION today. We’re here to help, and we look forward to partnering with you to make your adoption dreams come true.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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