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How to Differentiate Between the Types of Adoption in Florida

Have you thought about adoption as an expectant birth parent or a hopeful adoptive family? Upon starting your research, you may have found that the process can be complicated. There’s even more complexity when you consider the variety of types of adoption in Florida, each with its own characteristics and requirements

We know there’s a lot of information about the different types of adoption in FL available and that sorting through it can be overwhelming. However, we’re here to help. We’ve assisted over 13,000 families with their adoptions, and we’d love to answer your questions about the process.

Finding out more about the types of adoptions in FL from one of our experienced adoption specialists is simple. To get free adoption information today, call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form. In the meantime, read on to find out what you should know about the most common types of adoption in Florida.

What Are the Different Types of Adoption in Florida?

You have three forms of adoption options in Florida if you plan to adopt a child. Those three types of adoption in Florida are domestic infant adoption, foster care adoption, and international adoption. Other types (such as adult adoption) may apply in certain situations, but the majority of adoptions involve the three types mentioned above.

One of the distinctions between the three types of adoption in FL is where they happen. Domestic and foster care adoptions involve children from the U.S. Private infant adoptions can cross state lines, but the parties involved are still in the United States. International adoptions, however, involve children from nations outside of the U.S.

Some of the other points of distinction between the different types of adoption in Florida include:

Let’s dive deeper into the details about these three types of adoptions in Florida, how each one is finalized, and the types of adoption agencies in FL that can assist you with each kind of adoption.

Types of Adoption in FL: Domestic Infant Adoption

Domestic infant adoption, or private adoption, involves the voluntary placement of a baby in an adoptive home by its birth parents. This type of adoption in FL happens wholly inside the U.S. and usually involves newborns and babies instead of older children.

With this type of adoption in FL, the mother decides on her own that placing her child for adoption is the right choice, and she remains in control of her decisions throughout the process. The birth mother creates her adoption plan and even gets to choose the perfect family to raise her child. Once the child is born, the birth mother provides consent to adopt, and the baby is placed with the adoptive family pending a finalization hearing several months later.

Because of the volume of services required to finalize a private adoption, the average cost of this type of adoption in Florida can be as much as $60,000. However, American Adoptions secures your investment by providing 100% financial protection for our active families. We’re also committed to cutting wait times by offering 800x the marketing of other leading competitors. That improves your chances of finding an expedited match and gives you a lot of value for your buck.

In Florida, American Adoptions is even licensed to perform your home study, so you’ll get everything you need to adopt for one price within our national adoption agency.

If private domestic adoption seems right for you, you should also consider your preferred type of post-placement contact arrangements available. Those three types are:

  • Open adoption: With this type of adoption in FL, expectant birth parents and the hopeful adoptive family communicate openly before and after the child’s birth. The birth mother remains in touch with their child and the adoptive family thanks to the decision to pursue open adoption.
  • Semi-open adoption: Semi-open adoption is a kind of open adoption that allows an adoption professional to mediate the contact between the parties. These types of adoptions in FL let birth parents maintain privacy while retaining a more limited relationship with the child and adoptive family.
  • Closed adoption: Closed adoption are the rarest type of adoption in FL these days because most adoptions feature a level of openness. There are few (if any) recognized benefits associated with closed adoption since this type of adoption doesn’t support the best interest of the adoptee. It is, however, an option if this type of adoption in FL is the preference of the birth mother.

If you’ve gotten this far into the process, you may be wondering, “What are the different types of adoption agencies in Florida, and what do they do?” Independent adoptions are possible in private domestic adoption, but it’s not recommended. Choosing to partner with an adoption agency boosts your chances of a smooth, legal and ethical adoption.

If you’re looking for an agency, you should know there’s no better agency to work with than American Adoptions if adopting a baby is your preferred type of adoption in Florida. You’ll get an extensive list of benefits, including:

  • 24/7 access to our skilled, compassionate specialists
  • Over 25 years of experience creating more than 13,000 successful, ethical adoptions
  • The reach and resources of a national agency with the personal touch of a small local organization
  • A financial protection program to prevent hopeful families from taking financial losses in case of adoption disruption
  • Resources and counseling for expectant mothers considering adoption
  • Accurate wait time estimates
  • Honest, transparent adoption cost estimates
  • And much more

You won’t find a higher level of support and services from any other agency. At American Adoptions, birth mothers and adoptive families have entrusted us with their adoptions for decades, and we’ve helped in the creation of over 13,000 families. We take great pride in that, and we’d be honored to help you build your family, too.

If the time is right for you to begin your domestic infant adoption journey at American Adoptions, contact us by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or completing our online contact form.

Types of Adoption in FL: Foster Care Adoption

Another type of adoption in FL available to you in the state is foster care adoption. These types of adoptions in Florida include the adoption of children currently under the care of the state foster system.

What separates foster care adoption from other different types of adoption in FL is the age of the adoptees. In foster care adoption, hopeful parents have the opportunity to adopt older children or sibling groups instead of only infants.

 Another difference is the cost of foster care adoption. The expense involved in foster care adoption is significantly less than in the other two types of adoption in FL. Prospective parents adopting from the foster system may even receive subsidies from the state.

While many find foster care adoption a rewarding way to start a family, you should know that adoption is the secondary goal for the foster system. Reunification of the biological family is the first goal. As a result, you may experience longer wait times. It’s also possible you won’t get an adoption opportunity at all since foster care adoption can only occur once the parental rights of the birth parents are terminated by the family court.

If you decide to adopt from foster care instead of pursuing other types of adoption in FL, you’ll work with foster care adoption agencies. Below is a list of foster care adoption professionals in FL that can help you:

Types of Adoption in FL: International Adoption

Adopting a child from another nation is the third of the types of adoption in Florida you can choose. International adoption can be complex and time-consuming since the laws of two separate nations must be observed. Other challenges may exist, such as language barriers and travel logistics.

If international adoption appeals to you, you’ll work with a Hague-certified agency to ensure the adoption is fair, legal, and ethical. International adoption is the least common of the types of adoption in FL, but some families adopt from other countries each year. Below are a few international adoption professionals that assist with this type of adoption:

Final Thoughts on the Different Types of Adoptions in Florida

Understanding the types of adoption in Florida can be challenging, and that’s only natural. But with the help of an adoption professional, you can get the information you need about the different types of adoption in FL and make the best choice for your family.

If you still have questions about the types of adoption in Florida, we’re here to help. To connect with one of our friendly, professional adoption specialists, simply call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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