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Coping With Infertility in Florida

Facing infertility in Florida diagnosis can be devastating. 

Many couples experiencing infertility in Florida feel unsure of their choices for moving forward. However, an infertility diagnosis doesn’t mean you won’t be able to build a family of your own. In fact, there are many different ways you can experience the joys of parenthood even when you’re coping with infertility in Florida.

Two of your primary options include IVF and adoption.

If you’d like to talk with someone about your options for building your family through adoption, you can call 1-800-ADOPTION now. An adoption support specialist would love the chance to help you understand exactly what your options are when it comes to choosing adoption.

You can also keep reading to learn more.

 Struggling with Infertility in Florida: First Steps

When you’re dealing with infertility in Florida, it’s easy to feel alone. Adults who have been diagnosed with infertility in Florida often feel isolated, confused or frustrated.

You might experience extreme emotions, including devastation and even anger.

When you receive this diagnosis, it’s important that you fully grieve before you move forward with your other parenting options.

Whether you plan to pursue IVF, surrogacy or even adoption, make sure that you take the time to sort through your feelings.

You may do this by meeting with a therapist or even attending support groups for couples who are facing infertility in Florida. Connecting with other people who know what you’re going through and who can support you on your journey is very important. According to the CDC, as many as 1 in 5 women aged 15 to 49 who have never given birth struggle to get pregnant after one year of trying. You’re not alone, so it’s vital that you take the time to reach out to other people who can support and encourage you through this time.

Once you have thoroughly grieved and accepted your diagnosis, you’ll be ready to reconsider your parenting options in a healthy way.

IVF and Surrogacy

Two common methods you can consider for building your family include IVF treatment and surrogacy. Both of these options can be time-consuming; however, they will ensure that you’re able to have a genetic link to your child. With IVF, you’ll undergo treatments to become pregnant yourself. With surrogacy, you’ll match with a gestational carrier who will undergo IVF to carry your baby.

Deciding to Adopt After Infertility in Florida: What You Need to Know

Many couples turn to adoption as a way to build their family after dealing with infertility in Florida.

There are many benefits to choosing adoption for everyone involved.

Birth mothers will benefit from knowing they are choosing a loving family for their baby. Birth mothers choose adoption for many different reasons, but every birth mother has one shared goal: finding the best possible family for her baby. When a birth mother chooses adoption, she gets to rest assured that she’s chosen a family that will provide a loving, safe home for her baby.

Adoptees will benefit from growing up with a family that is ready for parenting. Many birth mothers are not ready for parenting at this point in their life. Adoptive families, however, will go through a lengthy process to ensure that they are prepared for adoption and the parenting that comes after. Adoptees who are adopted will grow up knowing that their birth mother made a loving choice by choosing the right family for them.

Adoptive families also benefit from adoption. They’ll be able to experience the joy that comes from being a parent and raising a child. Adoptive families who experience open adoptions will also have the opportunity to connect with their child’s birth family throughout their child’s life, as well.

Getting Started With Adoption

As you’re coping with infertility in Florida and decide that you’re ready to move forward, adoption is a clear choice if you:

  • Want to help a birth mother who needs a loving family for her baby
  • Love the idea of welcoming a new baby into your family
  • Are prepared for the possibility of an open adoption

It’s crucial that you make sure you’re ready for the adoption process and all that comes with it.

One of the best ways to prepare is to speak with an adoption specialist who can answer your questions and help guide you through the adoption process.

You can speak with an adoption professional today when you call American Adoptions at 1-800-ADOPTION. You can call day or night, and someone will help answer your questions and assist you in getting started.

Here at American Adoptions, we want you to look back on your adoption experience with fond memories. We have helped create more than 13,000 families, and we’re honored that you’re considering having us help you build yours.

Our team knows that struggling with infertility in Florida is one of the most difficult things you’ve ever done, which is one of the reasons we want to help you move forward after infertility and begin building your family through adoption.

Don’t wait.

Call us now to speak with a team member who can help you.

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