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Adoption in Cape Coral, FL

Cape Coral Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

Considering adoption in Cape Coral, Fla.? You’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re interested in adopting or placing a baby for adoption, there are a few things you need to know. First: Adoption can be a beautiful journey. Second: Adoption can also be complicated, so you’ll need an experienced professional’s guidance through every step.

We know how hard finding the right professional can be. So, we made it a bit easier with this complete guide to adoption in Cape Coral, Fla. Below, read about all the professionals available to you — agencies, attorneys and more — the services they provide, and the local options you can choose from.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Adoption Agencies in Cape Coral

When you work with an adoption agency in Cape Coral, you have two options: a national or local adoption agency. National adoption agencies work across the country, leading to more adoption opportunities and shorter wait times for adoptive parents. Local adoption agencies typically work within a state or region and may be able to provide more personalized support and case management.

But, if you want the best of both options, American Adoptions of Florida should be your Cape Coral adoption agency.

We’re a national adoption agency licensed in Florida, so we can offer prospective birth parents and adoptive parents the advantages of a national network and a local office. In fact, our Florida offices are located just a short drive away in Tampa, at:

3001 North Rocky Point Drive East, Suite 200

Tampa, FL 33607


Whether you’re considering adopting a baby in Cape Coral or placing a baby for adoption in Cape Coral, our trained professionals are here to guide you through the process. Learn more about our agency services by requesting free information online or calling us at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Cape Coral Adoption Home Study Providers

Before you can become an adoptive parent, there are a few requirements you’ll need to meet. Perhaps none are as important as completing an adoption home study.

Your adoption home study is essentially an evaluation of your home, your lifestyle, and your readiness to adopt. A social worker will visit your home to conduct a visit and some in-person interviews. This can be scary, but remember that your home study professional wants you to succeed — and will do everything they can to help you.

Look no further than American Adoptions of Florida to complete your Cape Coral adoption home study. Our Florida social workers will walk you through every step. Not working with our agency for placement? That’s okay, too — we will still be happy to complete your domestic and international home studies.

Learn more here.

Foster Care Adoption Agencies in Cape Coral

Many parents are interested in adopting a child in desperate need of a home and family. Foster care adoption gives you that chance, allowing you to bring an older child, a child with special needs or a sibling group into your family.

While the goal of most foster care placements is reunification with biological parents, there are hundreds of children in the Florida foster care system that are ready for adoption. Could you give them the supportive and loving home they deserve?

If so, contact one of the professionals below to learn more:

International Adoption Agencies in Cape Coral

On the other hand, maybe you’re not interested in domestic adoption. Instead, you’re considering international adoption in Cape Coral, Fla., as a way to add to your family.

While the options for international adoption have been dwindling, there are ways you can adopt a child from another country. You’ll need to work with a Hague-approved agency to ensure it’s done safely, ethically and legally. Fortunately, there are a few professionals in the area who can help you:

Adoption Attorneys in Cape Coral

Whatever kind of adoption you pursue, there’s one Cape Coral adoption professional you can’t do without an attorney.

Adoption is regulated by complex state and federal laws. Only an experienced adoption attorney can guide you through them and ensure your journey meets all legal requirements. Fortunately, when you work with American Adoptions of Florida, we’ll provide a reference to a trusted local professional.

But, if you want to do some research on your own, you can start by contacting these legal professionals:

Cape Coral Hospitals for Prenatal and Maternity Care and Delivery

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Florida, you have a lot of decisions to make. And, if you’re considering placing your child for adoption in Cape Coral, those decisions will all be a part of your adoption plan.

Your adoption plan details every aspect of your upcoming journey, from choosing the family you want to raise your child to deciding what kind of contact you want with them after placement. It will also include your hospital plan, addressing every aspect of your childbirth experience.

When you work with American Adoptions of Florida, we’ll help you find the right hospital to deliver at, which may be:

Remember: Your medical costs will always be 100% covered when you pursue adoption.

Cape Coral Courts for Adoption Finalization

When you’re an adoptive parent, the moment your baby is placed in your arms is an indescribable feeling. Your long journey to parenthood will seem complete — but there’s one more step you’ll need to take.

Before your child can legally become a member of your family, you’ll need to complete some post-placement assessments. These assessments (and your other adoption paperwork) will be evaluated at an adoption finalization court hearing, about six months after placement. A judge will review your adoption, ask a few questions and then issue a final decree of adoption. Your journey will officially be done!

If you’re pursuing a Cape Coral adoption, your finalization will likely take place at the Lee County Family Court.

Tourism Spots for Your Adoption in Cape Coral, FL

Cape Coral is a beautiful place for an adoption. Whether you’re a prospective birth parent or adoptive parent, you’ll probably spend some time in the area before or after placement — for open adoption visits, for the baby’s birth and for the ICPC stay.

Fortunately, there is plenty in Cape Coral that will keep you busy, like:

Wherever you’re at in your Cape Coral adoption journey, American Adoptions of Florida is always here to help. Learn more about our agency services or about infant adoption in Cape Coral when you contact us online or give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION. We’ll always be happy to answer your questions.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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