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Adoption in Port St. Lucie, FL

Port St. Lucie Adoption Agencies, Lawyers and More

Are you considering adopting a baby in Port St. Lucie, Fla.?

Or are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering placing your child for adoption in Port St. Lucie?

Either way, you’ll need an experienced professional by your side. The adoption process in Florida can be complicated, and you may not know where to start.

American Adoptions of Florida is here to help.

In the guide below, read about all the professionals who can assist you on this life-changing journey, including Port St. Lucie adoption agencies, attorneys and more. What are you waiting for?

Adoption Agencies in Port St. Lucie

Before doing anything else, you’ll need to decide whether you will work with an adoption agency for your personal journey.

Adoption agencies can be invaluable resources, especially if you’ve never been through this process before. They’re essentially “one-stop shops” for all your needs, and they’ll guide you from start to finish.

Every adoption agency is different. But, if you’re looking for the best adoption agencies in Port St. Lucie, keep American Adoptions of Florida in mind.

We’re a full-service national agency licensed in Florida, giving you the best of both worlds. You’ll receive the advantages of a large national network and the personalized feel of a local Port St. Lucie adoption agency. Our services include:

There’s a reason why so many Florida adoptive families and birth parents choose our agency. When it comes to adoption in Port St. Lucie, there’s simply no better choice.

Learn more about our agency or get started today by contacting us online or calling our specialists at 1-800-ADOPTION.

Port St. Lucie Adoption Home Study Providers

If you’re a hopeful adoptive parent, you’ll need to meet some requirements before you can adopt a child. One of these is completing an adoption home study.

A home study can seem overwhelming at first. But, with a licensed professional like American Adoptions of Florida by your side, you can complete this step easily. Our social workers will walk you through every aspect of your home visits and interviews to prepare you for adoption.

Not working with our agency for placement? That’s okay — we can still complete your Port St. Lucie adoption home study. Contact us today to learn more about our home study services.

Foster Care Adoption Agencies in Port St. Lucie

While many hopeful parents wish to adopt a baby in Port St. Lucie, just as many consider adopting an older child, a child with special needs, or a sibling group, this can be easily accomplished through foster care adoption.

Although the goal of most foster care placements is reunification with birth parents, there are also hundreds of children waiting for permanent homes with new families. If you’re interested in this path, contact one of the professionals below:

International Adoption Agencies in Port St. Lucie

International adoptions in the U.S. have been declining for decades. But, if you are interested in this family-building path, there are still some options available for you. You’ll just need to work with the right professional from the very first step.

International adoption in Florida involves two countries and two separate sets of adoption laws. Only a Hague-approved adoption agency in Port St. Lucie can ensure you move forward safely, legally and ethically. Here are a few to consider:

Adoption Attorneys in Port St. Lucie

While an adoption agency is optional for your journey, an adoption attorney is not. Adoption in Port St. Lucie can be complicated, and there are many state and federal laws that must be obeyed. The best way to ensure a safe and legal adoption is by having an experienced attorney by your side.

If you work with American Adoptions of Florida, you’ll be referred to a local attorney who frequently works with our agency. However, the ultimate choice is always up to you. Start your own research with these Port St. Lucie adoption attorneys:

Port St. Lucie Hospitals for Prenatal and Maternity Care and Delivery

If you’re considering placing your child for adoption in Port St. Lucie, know that you will be in charge of every step of this process. You will always have the right to make the decisions that are best for you and your baby, and that includes the right to change your mind at any point before signing your adoption paperwork after the baby is born.

Our specialists will guide you through these decisions by creating an adoption plan. An important part of this plan is your hospital stay — where will you deliver? Who will be in the room? What kind of childbirth experience do you want?

We’ll help you answer those questions and more. And, if you’re not sure where you want to deliver your child, there are a few local hospitals to consider:

Remember: Your medical costs will always be free to you when considering adoption.

Port St. Lucie Courts for Adoption Finalization

When you’re an adoptive parent, there’s one more step to complete after your child is placed in your arms: adoption finalization.

Finalization is a pretty straightforward legal process. Your family will attend a court hearing, where a judge will review your adoption paperwork for legality and proper protocol. Then, they will give you a final decree of adoption, and your child will officially be a member of your family!

A Port St. Lucie adoption finalization will typically take place at St. Lucie County Clerk of the Circuit Court.

Tourism Spots for Your Adoption in Port St. Lucie, FL

If you’re pursuing adoption in Port St. Lucie, Fla., you’ll probably spend some time in the area. You might meet up with a prospective birth mother or adoptive parents for a pre-placement visit, where you’ll get to know each other better. Or, you may spend some time in Port St. Lucie as you wait out your ICPC clearance.

Whatever reason you’re in the area, there will be plenty to keep you busy, including:

Want to learn more about American Adoptions of Florida? Ready to start your Port St. Lucie adoption with us today? Give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION or contact us online anytime.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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