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Kip & LeAnn
Hello there! Words can't express the joy and excitement that we have right now. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We are a loving family of 3 that are looking forward to growing our family. Our son is super excited to be a big brother and teach his baby brother or sister about the Avengers! We hope that you consider us and look forward to this new adventure.
Our Child

We have one of our own. His name is Reed. He is 9 years old and in the 3rd grade. He is very much looking forward to being a big brother. He is very into super hero's and dinosaurs, which he can't wait to teach his baby brother or sister all about them.

He loves helping us out around the house rather it be cleaning, doing some project on the house or helping out with the dogs. This kid loves hard and is full of life. He plays baseball and flag football. He loves playing outside!
Reed also is good in school. His favorite subjects are math and science. In the 2nd grade Reed was awarded with a Mathematician award at the end of the year. He loves helping us in the kitchen when he can.
Our Family Traditions

We have a few family traditions with our little family. We make sure that we have a non-traditional meal while Reed is on Thanksgiving break. When we start to decorate for Christmas Reed helps LeAnn put the ornaments on the tree while Kip unwraps them from the boxes. We all reminisce about each ornament as we hang it up on the tree. Reed has his own Christmas tree and we now do the same when putting up his tree.
Reed's birthday is a few days after Christmas so we both make sure to take that day off with him and have a fun-filled day full all the things that Reed loves to do. Last year we went bowling, to the trampoline park, and then out to dinner to his place of choosing where family came and ate with us. LeAnn's Grandma used to say sleep with the angels and that is something that we started saying to Reed since he was born. When Reed could talk he said sleep with the Jesus back. To this day this is something that is said nightly around our house.
Our Promise to You

Our promise to you, as the birth mother, is that we will love and cherish your baby from the first day. They will know everyday that they are loved; by the words spoken, the hugs given, and kisses received to them.
We can't promise that there won't be bumps along the way, but "owwies and booboos" will be kissed and have the always-healing SpongeBob bandaid put on.
We can't promise that their outfit will always match, but they will also have a cap on in the winter and sunscreen on in the summer.
They will get dirty, but that will be followed by a bubble bath with lots of toys and giggles.
There are going to be challenges along the way, but we promise that we will love the child with every cell in our body. We promise to raise them as our own while honoring the heritage and roots they come from. We will be by their side for the rest of our lives.

Our House and Neighborhood

We live in Kip's hometown in Arkansas! Have been here for 10 years and can't image being anywhere else. We live in nice single story house with a fenced in backyard for our dogs to run around in. Our home is in a small neighborhood that is within bike riding distance of our son's school. There are kids of all ages that live in the neighborhood and always playing outside. We frequently have kids coming to the house asking if our son can come play. In the neighborhood there is a brand new playground and a walking trail that circles nearly the whole neighborhood.
On the Fourth of July fireworks and cookouts are going on every street, Halloween nearly every house is handing out candy, and Christmas time there are so many lights and decorations to see! We have a neighborhood Facebook page where neighbors can easily find help if it's needed, someone baking goodies and sharing it with whoever wants a taste, and information on community events.
In our town and surrounding area there is always something to do! Concerts, festivals, parks, or our favorite is all the hiking trails within short distance.
Our Extended Families

Both sides of our family are very close with each other. Kip's parents, sisters, and sisters' families all live in same town as we do. Kip's extended family is quite large with close to 100 (grandma, aunts/uncles, cousins, & cousins' families) all living mostly within 3 hours of us. Even with so many people everyone is excited to welcome a new baby! Every Easter & Christmas we all gather together to celebrate. Through out the rest of the year we get together for play dates, pool parties, or really just to hang out.

LeAnn's family is slightly smaller and live within 4 hours of us. There are 4 grandparents, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, and 5 cousins. We try to make a trip once a month to see them or a few of them. We especially enjoy going to the farm that LeAnn's dad has! They too are excited for us and anxious to have more tiny feet running around.
Both families have a wonderful blend of biological, and step-members. We know that a new baby will be loved and cherished from the first moment by all family members!
From Us to You

Hello! How can we put into words how much you mean to us? Our journey has not always been easy but we have never been closer as husband and wife. We knew before getting married 10 years ago that we wanted a big family.
God blessed us with one of our own almost 9 years ago. He is very excited to be a big brother. Our son was about to finish up his last year in daycare when we were ready to expand our family however, having more of our own was not in the plan that God had for us. We began to pray as we knew that we wanted more kids. After lots of prayers and conversation with one another we felt we were called to adoption. God knows that we have so much love to give. We want you to know that your child will be welcomed into a loving family with open arms.
We would like to learn as much about you as you would like to share with us. We plan on sharing frequent updates of your child as they grow like doctors appointments, pictures, and milestones. We do not want you to miss out of the fun parts of life. We would like to communicate via email or phone if you would like. We want your child to know how much they are loved not only by us but as you as well. With these forms of communication we hope that you will feel comfortable enough to ask for any kind of update you would like.
Our family is ready to welcome your child into our home. We will be honest and open with your child about adoption. We will always make sure that your child knows how much you love them and how hard of a decision this was for you. You will always be talked about positively to them.
Thank you so much for taking the time to consider us as the adoptive parents for your child. We truly admire your heart during this journey as we know it's not easy. We know that this is a decision you do not take lightly. We want you to know that we pray for you and your child daily, to keep you both healthy. We know this journey has been long, but this is such a selfless act.
If you choose us to parent your child know that we will love them unconditionally, encourage them in all things and support them no matter what. We have prayed about expanding our family for a few years now and can't wait to be parents to your child if you pick us. Kip and I are looking forward to meeting you. We cannot wait to love on you, and pray over you during this time.
pray that the remainder of your pregnancy goes smooth with no complications to you or your baby. Thank you again for considering us as the adoptive parents to your child.
With love and respect,
Kip & LeAnn
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